Friday, January 1, 2010


I have a very interesting view on what we consider to be sanity. The word Sanity means to be sound in the mind, sound in judgement, being sane. In this sense I feel that very very few have any sanity.

Now in the sense of people in insane asylums I have very interesting opinions. Most of these people are insane just in the fact that they are not in the soundness of mind. This however does not make them bad people. On the contrary most are the kind, loving, most caring people you could ever meet. This does not mean all are like this sadly. No, there are some that are very mean and would try to hurt you that are said to be in sound mind making it show that they are more insane. Now you should exercise caution when around them with what you say because they can be more sensitive than most but you should not be afraid of them.
It is sad when people with mental disorders murder or do something else irrational because it paints a bad view on the rest of those people. Those people are not freaks though and people have no right to call them as such. They are people like you and me that just happen to have a chemical imbalance of some sort in their brains. Can they be dangerous? Everyone at any moment can snap and become dangerous. But, I in my personal experience, have found people with mental issues to be more loving then the average person. They know what it is like to be misunderstood and to be judged. To be questioned and secluded from some activities, jobs, or insurances just because of their "disability" because they are more likely to cause more damage.
I know one woman who has chronic depression and schizophrenia. She has been like a second mother to me. She welcomes you with open arms and is so understanding. The first time I ever met her she ran to the door and brought me into a tight hug. She automatically welcomed me into home as family. She struggles to lead a normal life but does an amazing job at working at the hospital and raising a family. Though I do not see her anymore I hope to see her again someday in the near future because she is the greatest woman. She would give you a place to stay or food to eat if you just but ask. She is not insane in any form. She is a great woman and is a second mother whom I love very much.
Just like most people you can not tell by looking at them that they have a mental disorder so why would you judge them before you even get to know them. People are far to ignorant to these people that are my friends and family. People should learn not to judge others and might want to look at all of their faults before letting even one word come out of their mouths about others. Love, understand, and be more caring. We are all equal.

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